Category: Universities


The profession economist is part of the Restoration field. The economy is a term with Hellenic roots, originally designating the act of administering (nomos) one's home (oikos). Today, it is a fully-fledged branch of the social sciences as well as the object of in-depth studies, precisely analyzing wealth at the scale of a society: how and by whom is it

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Political Scientist

Person specialized in political science who studies the political systems and institutions in place in order to better understand and be able to explain the phenomena relating to the exercise of power at all levels of government (federal, provincial, municipal) as well as on the international level. She analyzes, explains and comments on national or foreign

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The archaeologist may spend a few months or even a few years at a historic site where he leads excavation teams tasked with uncovering statues, jewelry, coins, or building parts, but before starting the exploration of a site, it must assess its interest from an archaeological point of view on the basis of surveys and surveys and develop an intervention

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The demographer applies different research methods (surveys, statistical analyzes, census, etc.) to study a given population under different aspects (size, geographical distribution, structure by age, sex, education, employment, income, marital status, etc.) He tries to explain the causes of certain demographic phenomena such as, for example, the drop in the

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Physics Engineer

The engineer in physics is a specialist in the in-depth understanding of the physical phenomena at the basis of advanced technologies in order to master them, improve them and, above all, innovate. Both a physicist and an engineer, he applies the principles of physics to solving practical engineering problems. He often acts as a liaison between scientific

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Research Mathematician

Person who studies various branches of mathematics (analysis, algebra and geometry, logic, etc.) and does research in this discipline to make it evolve by improving or by discovering new applications of theories, methods as well as existing mathematical tools. She applies mathematical theories and techniques to problems of quantification, measurement,

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The statistician profession is part of the Audit field. Expert in the mastery of statistical tools and methods, mathematician at heart, the statistician can join the statistical department of a private company, or join a consulting company specializing in marketing statistical studies. The fields of activity are extremely varied, but it is advisable to

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Plastic Arts Teacher

Person who gives plastic arts lessons (drawing, watercolor, sculpture, etc.), to students taken individually or in small groups, in a public or private school or in a cultural center. She designs programs adapted to the level and needs of the students, prepares the lessons and the necessary material, teaches theoretical and practical concepts and has

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Drama Teacher (College or University)

Person who teaches, in a college or university, the various techniques relating to speech, interpretation, staging, costumes, make-up and scenography, in order to develop in students the skills necessary for the practice of theater. She prepares and gives lessons, chooses various teaching methods (improvisation, staging a play, etc.) according to the

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