Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Case School of Engineering |  Case Western Reserve University

The artificial intelligence engineer designs computer programs capable of reasoning like humans in order to respond to complex tasks. A high-level researcher and computer scientist (minimum bac + 5 with experience), the AI ​​engineer can work for very diverse fields of activity. The artificial intelligence engineer is both a researcher and a computer scientist. It develops computer programs capable of thinking and performing tasks performed by humans. The artificial intelligence engineer first analyzes the functioning of the human brain on a given problem. He then designed complex and innovative computer programs to decode and analyze data that no other computer system had previously processed. The applications of artificial intelligence are numerous and almost endless: image and video processing, applications linked to language, predictive analyzes, games, automation, robots, health and bioinformatics… These applications intersect multiple technologies: Web Crawling, Data mining, Data Science, Machine Learning or Deeplearning … that the AI ​​engineer must master. AI is already part of our daily lives (personal assistant, facial recognition smartphone, etc.) and of the corporate world (chatbot, maintenance of installations, etc.). And its development should continue, intensify thanks to big data, the ever-increasing performance of our computers and algorithms. According to Statista (market research site), the AI’s flagship investments by 2025 will be in image recognition applications, the use of algorithms to improve financial performance and the processing of medical data. The AI ​​engineer therefore has a bright future ahead of him.The artificial intelligence engineer is employed by IT services companies or IT companies, but also by companies operating in the fields of armaments, industrial production, security, automation.
