
Doctor Specialist In Cardiology Holding Tablet / Cardiologist.. Stock  Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 100286364.

The cardiologist is a doctor specializing in heart or cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances, pulmonary embolism, blood circulation problems, etc. To ensure screening for possible heart diseases, the cardiologist must make a diagnosis by first asking the patient: does he have chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, diabetes or other risk factors? The cardiologist then examines the patient. heart and lungs, takes the pulse, measures blood pressure, and performs tests and examinations: physical stress test (to study variations and possible abnormalities in heart rhythm), electrocardiography (to record activity electrical heart), measurement of respiratory capacity, electrocardiogram … Then, the cardiologist analyzes the results of these exams, which will allow him to prescribe a t drug treatment, issuing prevention instructions, advising on a suitable diet, or additional examinations in a specialized center, or even a surgical procedure. As in many medical specialties, investigative techniques are evolving rapidly. The cardiologist must therefore constantly update his knowledge. In addition, his schedules are often very busy, not to mention any on-call or night shifts, especially if the cardiologist works in a hospital environment.
