The dermatologist is the doctor specializing in the skin, nails and scalp. All skin conditions are his responsibility: acne, warts, but also burns, STIs, cancers … He can also perform surgical procedures. Acne in adolescents, eczema, psoriasis, cysts skin, warts, suspicious moles, oral or genital herpes, itching, urticaria or rosacea … These pathologies, the most common, are treated directly in the dermatologist’s office. , the treatments he prescribes and the more in-depth examinations he recommends to be carried out in the hospital, in a specialized department, concern all age categories, from infants to the elderly. But the dermatologist also encounters more serious cases: deep burns, consequences of accidents, skin cancer for example, but also serious STIs, because the dermatologist is also a venereologist. The cutaneous manifestations of sexually transmitted infections are therefore part of its field of intervention. When an operation is necessary, he operates in a hospital setting, his office being equipped only for small surgical acts.At the hospital or in the office, the dermatologist often has very busy schedules (seeing about 40 patients per day is not uncommon), which is explained in particular by the current decline in the number of specialists in dermatology. In this specialty, listening to the patient is particularly vital, insofar as skin signs can sometimes be the symptoms of dermatology. ‘a general pathology, particularly psychological: anxiety, stress, depression, etc. In addition, the surgical procedures that the dermatologist has to perform (laser operation, for example) require great manual dexterity.