
Some Ways a Pediatrician Can Help Your Child to Stay Healthy -  Municipalitedeboltonouest

The field of competence of the pediatrician, a doctor specializing in children, covers neonatology, the monitoring of the physiological and psychological development of children and adolescents, and the treatment of childhood pathologies by adapted therapies. The pediatrician intervenes in the maternity ward, from the birth of the child, to control reflexes, mobility, position of the hips and flexibility. In this context, the pediatrician detects any anatomical, sensory or psychological abnormalities. In his office, he performs compulsory vaccinations or recommended by health authorities. The pediatrician detects and treats all childhood illnesses that few subjects escape during their growth: chickenpox, nasopharyngitis, sore throat, measles, mumps. He can also detect psychological and / or academic problems and, if necessary, recommend a consultation with a specialist in rehabilitation (speech therapist, orthoptist). His activity of screening less common pathologies, for example childhood diabetes, is essential, as are its interventions in the event of an accident or infirmity Auscultation, examination of the throat, tonsils, ears …: the pediatrician practices all of the doctor’s actions, but adapting them to children. He must maintain a relationship of trust with accompanying parents so that the advice and recommendations he provides on lifestyle, diet and activities are applied. sports, etc. Whatever his professional mode of practice (in hospital, liberal, or mixed), the pediatrician has a very busy schedule, especially as pediatrics is a specialty in deficit of practitioners. On-call hours are not uncommon. 60% of the profession is carried out by women.
