There are children who from an early age develop traits, characters, which guide them towards their future profession. Take for example the case of children who at a very early age start to show love for music, dance, painting, drawing – These children could be oriented towards the field of art; or those who are attracted to the mechanical, electrical and repair devices; in such cases, their future orientation could be oriented towards the technical sector.
On the other hand, there are those for whom the choice remains less obvious; this is the case with the majority of our young people. In such situations, it is the parent’s duty not to impose a choice on him, but to support him and help him in his decision-making.
It is very important for the parent to:
- Take the child in question:
Establishing a dialogue with the child in order to have a free exchange about his orientation is essential and is the basis of everything. Ask him questions, listen to him without judging or criticizing his choice. On the contrary, question this choice and together analyze it in order to better advise it.
- Get rid of the child’s fears :
The rate of failure observed more and more with students who the first year make faculity choices , and the following year find themselves making new faculty choices , or even giving up is very worrying and may generate fears or even phobias in the future student. It is therefore the parent’s duty to reassure the child and explain to him that it may happen that at certain times in life we are forced to change the pathway and start all over again without any discomfort.
- Respect the child’s decision even if it does not agree with your choices :
Parents tend to plan the professional career path they want for their children, what is certain is to show love on the part of any parent who would like to see their child succeed. Only you force them to make your dreams come true; Whilst, what’s best for you, may not be best for them.
Support them in their choices, let them fail and learn from their mistakes.